Technical publications 


Key milestones

GET 2023- Paris- EAGE

GET 2023- Paris- EAGE

Focused seismic monitoring in the Greensand CCUS project Paper presented at the 4th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference & Exhibition, France, Paris, 14-17 November 2023 Written by: T. Roth1, J.L. Mari2, L. Ollivier2, H. Al Khatib2, A. Szabados3, J. Grobys3,...

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EAGE 2023- 84th conference & exhibition

EAGE 2023- 84th conference & exhibition

Breakthrough in operational model: testing offshore focused seismic for CS monitoring in Denmark Paper presented at the 2023 EAGE Annual, 5-8 June 2023, Vienna, Austria, presented by Léna Ollivier. Written by: Léna Ollivier1, H. Al Khatib1, E. Morgan1 - SpotLight1 A...

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EAGE 2023- 84th conference & exhibition

EAGE 2023- 84th conference & exhibition

Reflected wave enhancement using a single trace and a projection model: application to focused monitoring Paper presented at the 2023 EAGE Annual, 5-8 June 2023, Vienna, Austria, presented by Habib AL KHATIB . Written by:  V. Brun1, H. Al Khatib1, E. Morgan1...

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EAGE 2023- 84th conference & exhibition

EAGE 2023- 84th conference & exhibition

Early warning ultra-light marine seismic 4D time-lapse detection system Paper presented at Paper presented at the EAGE Annual 2023, 5-8 June 2023, Vienna, Austria, presented by Per Eivind Dhelie Written by:  V. Brun1, E. Morgan1 , Geoffroy Bonnefous...

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Focused Seismic CO2 Monitoring: from detection to characterization. Paper presented at the Geoconvention 2023, may 15-17, Calgary Telus Convention Center, presented by Victoria Brun1. Written by: Victoria Brun1, Sandy ( QiaoZhi) Chen2,Spotlight 1 Whitecap Ressources...

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GET22 – the Hague- EAGE

GET22 – the Hague- EAGE

Greensand Focused Seismic Monitoring for Offshore CO2 Pilot Injection Paper presented at the GET 22 The Hague, Netherland, October 2022, presented by A. Szabados1. Written by: A. Szabados1, H. Al Khatib2, N. Ahmad3, K. Dominek3, O. Burachok4, T. Roth 4, N. H....

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EAGE Madrid – Carbone Capture Storage monitoring

EAGE Madrid – Carbone Capture Storage monitoring

CO2 injection detection using light time-lapse seismic monitoring Paper presented at the EAGE Annual 2022 - Madrid, Spain, June 2022, presented by Victoria Brun. Written by:  V. Brun1, J. Costa De Sousa1, E. Morgan1 - 1 SpotLight Abstract Carbon...

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SPE Workshop – Time lapse in carbonate

SPE Workshop – Time lapse in carbonate

Smart seismic field monitoring in a complex desert environment Paper presented at the SPE workshop Time lapse in Carbonate - Abu Dhabi, AUE, May 2022, presented by Habib Al Khatib. Written by: Yessine Boubaker1, Habib Al Khatib1, Elodie Morgan1, J.L. Mari1, Said...

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EAGE GeoTech 2022

EAGE GeoTech 2022

MMV long term strategies to calibrate and support CO2 storage flow models using focused seismic Paper presented at the EAGE GeoTech 2022 - London, UK , April 2022, and written by Habib Al Khatib. Abstract To substantially reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to...

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Geophysics on an experimental site

Geophysics on an experimental site

Paper presented at the "Journées scientifiques AGAP 2022" - Paris, France , March 2022, and co-written by Jean Luc Mari and Pierre Gaudiani. Abstract APEC (Association Pédagogique et Expérimentale du Cher) has developed an experimental site, situated in the Cher...

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CCS x SpotLight #ProjectGreenSand

CCS x SpotLight #ProjectGreenSand

Project Greensand Receives Funding from EUDP Wednesday afternoon the Danish Energy Agency announced that it will award 197 million DKK to the consortium behind Project Greensand for CCS (carbon capture storage). News Project Greensand is a carbon storage project that...

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Geoconvention 2021 x Paper #5

Geoconvention 2021 x Paper #5

Light time-lapse seismic monitoring for SAGD: a new approach & operational model Paper presented at the Geoconvention 2021 - Virtual, Calgary, Canada , September 2021, and co-written by Victoria Brun, Elodie Morgan, Brad Gerl, Luis Cardozo, Richard Habiak....

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EAGE 2021 x Paper #4

EAGE 2021 x Paper #4

One seismic source and receiver couple to detect steam effects on legacy data in Surmont, Canada Paper presented at the EAGE 2021 - Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherland, November 2021, and co-written by Victoria Brun, Elodie Morgan, Brad...

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EAGE 2021 x Paper #3

EAGE 2021 x Paper #3

Drilling Torques Acoustic Logging an effective duo for calibrating near surface seismic data Paper presented at the EAGE 2021 - Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherland, November 2021, and co-written by J. L. Mari, K. Gestin & P. Gaudiani....

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SPE 2021 x Paper #2

SPE 2021 x Paper #2

Aplicability of an Innovative and Light Seismic Approach to Monitor SAGD Operations in Surmont: A Blind Test Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dubai, UAE, September 2021, and co-written by Victoria Brun, Elodie Morgan, Brad Gerl,...

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SpotLight x SPE ATCE Startup Village competition

SpotLight x SPE ATCE Startup Village competition

SpotLight won two awards - Rising stars and People's choice Hosted in Dubai in September 2021, this startup competition acknowledged SpotLight potential to be a Rising star ! SPE judges acknoledged SpotLight's potential The Startup Village judges deliberated over the...

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SpotLight x First Break

SpotLight x First Break

Breaking the seismic 4D ‘image’ paradigm of seismic monitoring Habib Al Khatib*, Yessine Boubaker* and Elodie Morgan* present a focused 4D seismic monitoring method that predicts the optimal source and receivers’ location for the monitoring of strategic areas. Seismic...

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SpotLight x i-Nov

SpotLight x i-Nov

Do you remember back in 2018 when we were iLab laureates (French Deep Tech startup award) ? Being amongst the winners of this national competition and being recognised by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche and Bpifrance was huge for us !

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EAGE 2020 x Paper #1

EAGE 2020 x Paper #1

Extremely proud that our co-founder and CTO, Elodie Morgan presented our 1st paper ‘Focused and Continuous Ultra-Light Seismic Monitoring: A Gas Storage Example’ after months of work and research at the EAGE online 2020 on the 9th of December.

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SpotLight x CITEPH Open Innovation

SpotLight x CITEPH Open Innovation

Des acteurs franciliens unissent forces et savoirs pour la transition énergetique via un projet CITEPH Open Innovation soutenu par la Région Ile de France.

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SpotBoard #1

SpotBoard #1

We grew up over the years, we tripped a few times, and we’ve always stayed up. We didn’t give up, we kept fighting to prove the worthiness of our solution and share our vision.

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Evolen – Monitoring the subsurface

Evolen – Monitoring the subsurface

Surveiller le sous-sol n’a jamais été aussi facile. SpotLight révolutionne le secteur de la surveillance du sous-sol en proposant une solution pratique, innovante et compétitive notamment à destination du monde de l’Oil & Gas mais aussi applicable à d’autres domaines du sous sol…

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SpotFundraising 2020

SpotFundraising 2020

Spring should be a time of delight. Spotlight’s delight? We are immensely happy to announce the closure of our first fundraising. 3 years after our creation and thanks to the enthusiasm of the team and the first customers who believed hard in our technology, it’s time...

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SpotLight x Green Reflex

SpotLight x Green Reflex

SpotLight met en lumière les sous-sols pour une exploitation eco-friendly Article publié par BFM Business - 13/02/2020 L’invité de notre émission Green Reflex ce jeudi 13 février 2020 était Habib Al Khatib, cofondateur et président de la start-up SpotLight, qui veut...

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SpotLight x BNP Paribas

SpotLight x BNP Paribas

Cette vidéo tournée par BNP Paribas dans le cadre de notre accompagnement avec l’incubateur WAI Massy-Saclay retrace les grandes lignes de SpotLight.

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BPI – SpotLight secoue le monde de l’énergie

BPI – SpotLight secoue le monde de l’énergie

La startup deeptech, basée en région parisienne, a développé le système d’alarme sismique le plus léger du monde. Lauréate de nombreux prix, la jeune pousse prépare une levée de fonds afin de devenir un acteur mondial sur le marché de l’énergie.

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BPI – French Tech Seed Paris Saclay

BPI – French Tech Seed Paris Saclay

Doté de 400 millions d’euros issus du PIA3 et géré par Bpifrance, le fonds French Tech Seed a pour but de financer le pré-amorçage à grande échelle des start-up technologiques en phase de post-maturation, notamment les start-up de la Deeptech de moins de trois ans.

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SpotLight x Crash Test

SpotLight x Crash Test

Habib Al Khatib a participé au Crash Test – Yunikon productions, l’émission qui “secoue les startups”, dans lequel un expert challenge une startup.

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BPI – Lauréat iLab 2018

BPI – Lauréat iLab 2018

Plus grand concours d’innovation DeepTech de France, le concours i-Lab, qui fêtait ses 20 ans, a distingué, jeudi 5 juillet à la Cité des Sciences, 64 lauréats parmi 383 candidatures.

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JPT – Shaking up the Seismic Business with a Simple Idea

JPT – Shaking up the Seismic Business with a Simple Idea

A French startup is betting that it can tell offshore producers how good their billion-dollar reservoir predictions really are with its new approach to seismic interpretation. SpotLight has introduced the idea that a single seismic source and a single receiver is all you need to know if a critical area in the subsurface is flowing with hydrocarbons, or not.

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Pole Avenia – Lauréat ‘service innovant’

Pole Avenia – Lauréat ‘service innovant’

SpotLight obtient le label “service innovant” du POLE AVENIA, pour le service SpotDétection ! SpotLight est une start-up qui aide les acteurs de l’énergie (pétrole, gaz, géothermie) à mieux produire, stocker et surveiller le sous-sol grâce à sa solution de mesure des changements dans une zone du sous-sol : la SpotDétection.

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Evolen – Prix de l’Energie

Evolen – Prix de l’Energie

Comme chaque année à l’occasion de ses Journées Annuelles, l’association Evolen, qui regroupe les acteurs de la filière parapétrolière et paragazière, a remis le 19 octobre 2016 ses prix et trophée de l’Energie. Ces distinctions récompensent « le talent d’une PME-PMI » dans l’innovation ; le développement à l’international et enfin « le talent des hommes et des femmes : ingénieurs et techniciens ».

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