Breakthrough in operational model: testing offshore focused seismic for CS monitoring in Denmark

Paper presented at the 2023 EAGE Annual, 5-8 June 2023, Vienna, Austria, presented by Léna Ollivier.

Written by: Léna Ollivier1, H. Al Khatib1E. Morgan1 – SpotLight1

A new offshore monitoring solution has

been tested in conjunction with CO 2

injection taking place on project Greensand (EUDP co-funded research project 64021-9005).
The goal of the Greensand monitoring is to focus the measurements on critical areas of the subsurface (spots) to better constrain the existing flow model of CO2 injection, while not providing a full image of the subsurface (Brun et al, 2022). The main innovation of this operational model is the use of a 600 in3 tri-gun source, containerized with all its equipment on a standard supply vessel, to perform a static shooting.

This low-cost operational model with a low impact on the environment and offshore activities, has proven its efficiency in detecting CO2 injection.

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