SpotLight x I-nov
Do you remember back in 2018 when we were iLab laureates (French Deep Tech startup award) ? Being amongst the winners of this national competition and being recognised by the Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche and Bpifrance was huge for us !
Well, this story continues.. Last May, in the midst of a lockdown, with each SpotLighter working remotely, we gathered our strengths and resources to submit our application to the next level DeepTech competition ‘i-Nov’ by Bpifrance.
July came with the oral presentation of our application to the panel of judges through a visio conference. End of November : here we were, signing. Our project named ‘Groot’ was live.
The deeptech side of our project was once again acknowledged and recognised by Bpifrance with an award letter coming directly from the government general secretariat for investment.
This recognition and financial support will help implementing our technical roadmap for the next 2 years, to achieve our goal to industrialize our solution and extend its use, but this also allowed us to hire two brilliant SpotLighters, Julia & Léna. Supporting graduate employement in today’s time is also a pride for us.
Proud and honored are the words !