SpotBoard #1
Announcement, 17th of June 2020
We grew up over the years
We tripped a few times,
And we’ve always stayed up
We didn’t give up, we kept fighting to prove the worthiness of our solution and share our vision.
“We” isn’t limited to a team picture chilling out in a garden, “we” is a complete ecosystem of experienced professionals, each with their own expertise.
“We” is about countless (afterwork) hours of technical, financial and strategic advices.. and, as of the 20th of April 2020, “we” became shareholders!
“We” is a company’s vision where everybody can contribute in their own way.
As of yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, “we” can present you a board, where senior executives,
strategic and technical expert representatives alongside salaries all gathered in the same (virtual) room.
Last night, WE held our first board meeting… And what a board !
Thank you to the representative of each college of investors who took part last night, notably
Robert Brunck, Lionel Lhommet, Abdullah Al-Shaksy, Salvador Rodriguez and Yessine Boubaker.
Alone we go faster, together we go further.
WE are SpotLight.

From top left to bottom right on screen : Robert Brunck, Abdullah Al-Shaksy, Salvador Rodriguez, Lionel Lhommet