Automatic CO2 detection based on a modified NRMS coefficient: Example of Greensand

Paper presented at the 85th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Olso, Norway, 10-13 June 2024, presented by Habib Al Khatib

Written by: Habib Al Khatib1, Jean-Luc Mari1–  1 SpotLight


CCS projects are becoming paramount to decrease the CO2 footprint in the atmosphere and mitigate climate change. In the Greensand Phase 2 project, offshore Denmark and co-funded by EUDP, a pilot injection of CO2 was conducted into a depleted oilfield in the first quarter 2023. In conjunction with the first injection a new geophysical monitoring approach with a low environmental impact and enabling a higher monitoring frequency than standard 4D seismic, Spot seismic (Al Khatib et al., 2021), has been applied. Reliable, low cost, low impact and lean monitoring approaches are key for public acceptance and delivery of CCS projects. We show that a special processing flow, developed for spot monitoring, can be used to automatically detect the CO2 in specific location of the subsurface that are targeted to validate or invalidate injection scenario, enabling a predictive maintenance approach.

Download: abstract_Automatic CO2 detection based on a modified NRMS coefficient: Example of Greensand