Contribution of 2-component VSP measurements to the characterization of a geothermal site

Paper presented at the 85th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Olso, Norway, 10-13 June 2024, presented by Jean-Luc Mari

Written by: Jean-Luc Mari1–  1 SpotLight


As part of a deep geothermal project, in southern Luxembourg, a reconnaissance borehole of about 400 m depth was drilled to determine the geothermal parameters of the geological formations crossed.
To validate the geological hypotheses and to position optimally a potential exploration borehole, several seismic reflection profiles were recorded in the area. In the reconnaissance borehole, enhanced geothermal response tests were conducted, and a VSP was recorded. The national borehole reference is FR-216-200, and the location is approximately 1.1 km south of the centre of the city of Dudelange.
This paper shows the contribution of VSP measurements to the characterization of the geothermal site.

Download: abstract_Contribution of 2-component VSP measurements to the characterization of a geothermal site