Predictive maintenance for CCS subsurface surveillance using focused seismic monitoring

Paper presented at the 85th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Olso, Norway, 10-13 June 2024, presented by Habib Al Khatib

Written by: Habib Al Khatib1, Kevin Gestin1, Tillmann Roth2, Oleksandr Burachok2, Elodie Morgan1,-  1 SpotLight, 2 Wintershall DEA


This study introduces a novel surveillance approach for CO2 geological storage, deviating from regular time-lapse measurements. The proposed workflow utilizes attributes derived from flow simulator output to identify critical locations in space and time to be monitored with focused seismic monitoring to effectively reduce uncertainties. The method serves as a frequent, environmentally friendly “trigger monitoring” tool that can be integrated into Monitoring, Measurement, and Verification (MMV) planning. Each spot’s expected behaviour is known before measurement, adding transparency. This transparency, combined with higher monitoring frequency, can contribute to constructive discussions with regulators and enhance societal acceptability of CCS projects.

Download: abstract_Predictive maintenance for CCS subsurface surveillance using focused seismic monitoring