Contribution of Uncertainty to Automated CO2 Detection by Focused Seismic Monitoring

Presented at EAGE GET 2024, 5th EAGE Global energy Transition Conference & Exhibition, Rotterdam, November 2024

by Florian Duret

Written by Florian Duret1, Jean-Luc Mari1 ,Habib Al Khatib 1, Kyliann Richard1 and Mohammed  Messamah1


Abstract: Focused monitoring of a few “spot” locations strategically placed on a CCS field appear as a good candidate for long term monitoring of CO2 storage. However, when compared to regular 4D seismic methods, the sparsity of data may appear as a source of uncertainty, due to the sensitivity of the method to velocity models and placement of sources and receivers on field. In this paper, we show that, when included in the processing chain, uncertainty analysis provides additional information that proves valuable in interpreting the CO2 detection results.

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